A solo show at The Art Shop & Chapel, Abergavenny, UK, in 2019.
You can see the acompanying booklet for this show, here.
Work featured in the video: 1. Orbit 2. Grace 3. Shoe Shuffle 4. Tap-Along 5. Shoe Cycle 6. Pedal-Shoes 7. Circle Cycle 8. Spoon Mirror 9. Us/Them 10. Whisk Drawing Machine 11. Heads/Tails 12. Poly Cup 13. Fingers 14. Tea x 2 16. Five Wheels 17. Punctuation Orerry 18. Tail Chaser 19. Circle of Scourers 20. Twelve Arrows 21. 'Skates 34-43. Drawings 44-47. Barcelona Postcards 48-53. Faceless Collage 22. Sphere 23. Compasses 24. Plughole 25. Pointer 26. Counter II (concrete) 28. Counter I (rust) 29. T/here 30. Fast Clock 27. Two Face Clock 31. To Live On A Rock That Spins 32. Gramophone 33. Violin